Public Information Bulletin

The Public Information Bulletin was created for the purpose of making the public information of the Post and Telecommunications Museum in Wroclaw available in electronic form.

Organizational structure

The organizational structure of the Museum is defined by the organizational chart, which is an attachment to the Organizational Regulations of the Post and Telecommunications Museum in Wrocław

At the head of the museum is the Director, who directly reports to:

  1. Deputy Director
  2. Chief Accountant
  3. Chief Harvest Inventory
  4. Department of Education and Promotion
  5. Organization and Legal Department
  6. Department of Economics

The Deputy Directors are directly subject to:

  1. Philatelic Department
    1. Polish Philatelic Workshop
    2. Foreign Philatelic Workshop
  2. Department of History of Posts and Telecommunications
    1. Mail history workshop
    2. History of telecommunications laboratory
Information generated by: Łukasz Hibner
Date of last update: 1 November 2018 - 11:11
Number of views: 886
Numer Data zmiany Akcja Zmieniający Link do wersji sprzed zmiany
1 1 November 2018 - 11:11 Document creation Łukasz Hibner See the version